Day 143: 23/5/13
I was up in time for an early call this morning, but I didn't get one. It's really annoying waiting and waiting. I've been so lucky the weeks before that I didn't have to do this every day. I eventually got a call just before half seven. The school they were sending me too was a good bit away so I legged it to the station. There was a train leaving in one minute, but of course when that train got to Flinders St it changed its mind about where it was going! I had to wait then and get the next train which happened to be an express and was probably quicker anyway. The agency text on the address of the school when you get a new place but this address didn't seem to match the maps on my phone. It looked from the school website like it was near the train station but it was hard to be sure. It did end up being where I thought it was but there was a big main road that took forever to cross as the pedestrian man didn't seem to like green at all! I got there about 8:35 anyway, in time for school at 9, but five minutes later than I should be- it was all a bit of a rush!!
I had a year 1 class and there was a student teacher there so it was fairly handy. They had reading groups first and the student teacher knew where everything was for that. There was a parent helper in to work with the reading group so we just supervised the other groups then doing written work and word games. Afterwards the class did a contraction game. They were all given a card with the full words or their contraction and they had to find their partner silently. Then the student teacher took them for a writing lesson. They had started their story yesterday so they just needed to continue on. It's fairly realistic that you would need to continue on some work, but as a student teacher in Mary I you couldn't just have that as a lesson, you would have to have more structure on it.
After break they had library. There was another class there two and that teacher read the class a story. Then they returned and borrowed books. We had Maths then and we just played some adding games that the teacher had written to do. First they were adding the numbers on two cards and trying to see who could get te rich answer first. Then they had to roll two dice, add the numbers, place a counter over the answer on a number square and then try to get three in a row. Noisy games but good!
I had yard at first break, so I had the whole hour for lunch off. I didn't have much to write for the teacher or anything so it was a very lazy hour! After lunch I was with a year 4 class. They had a student teacher too who was taking the lesson so I had it handy again!! It was a Maths lesson and they were working in rotation groups. I worked with each group when it was there to turn to do written sheets simplifying fractions. They were grand but they got very rowdy on the student teacher as she had one group playing a game which involved shouting!!
I had a text this evening for work next Friday but they had nothing yet for tomorrow.
I didn't do anything this evening. I was going to put on a wash but then just decided to wait until tomorrow. So I dossed around on the Internet for a while. I was wrecked as I didn't even have four hours sleep last night I'd say. I was tossing an turning and couldn't sleep and then from about midnight most of the hostel came home from some night out and were really noisy- I don't know what was on! So, bed early tonight!
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