Day 82: 23/3/13
This morning we were told to be at the office at 9:30 sharp as we would be going out to turf ASAP. There was noone there at 9:30. Eventually after 10/15 minutes when everyone was there we couldn't go straight to turf as a team from another van were coming with us, but all their folders and ids were in their old van, parked at their managers house. So we all had to drive there first. It was ages before everything was sorted! You'd wonder why we al needed to be there at 9:30 as this could have been sorted without us!
Today our manager put us into pairs- one from each team. She said we'd have a competition. The pair with the highest score would get a bottle of beer and the pair with the lowest score would have to wash the van. I was paired with Loran- a 19 year old Dutch guy. He's been in the job about 4 weeks and is getting 3/4 sales most days. He uses the pitch which says people are on the incorrect rate and he's here to sort it out for them. Definitely people get more defensive with that one so there's no way I could use it. He's pushy enough so it works for him. He more or less demands the bills. I don't know if he gets more than I would but he's definitely more forceful. We worked well together though as we're completely different. If they were unsure what he was there for they would just turn to me and I would be a lot nicer about the approach so they'd relax a bit. It worked for us.
We ended up selling five. I took two and he took 3. He had offered it to me but I thought he deserved it more. We sold to a guy who's electricity was really dear and wanted to save money so that was easy. He was on a payment plan so hopefully if works out for him. We sold to three different women- all of whom were interested when they saw the lower rates. The last one didn't even have a bill to compare and she was happy to sign. We're cheaper than the people she was with anyway, just about. We sold to one random guy aswell who seemed to be off his head! He was asking how much the electricity bill would be over 3 months and it averages at $190. He said he got his for 70 and he got his bill for us. It was a gas bill. The company he was with are the dearest so when we said that he just said okay, sign me up. He went from being a real negative customer to just wanting to be signed over!! He was definitely on something!
We had been given a knock off target but we obviously didn't get it as it was after 6 when we were picked up. There was no talk of who was washing the van or drinking beer. We had drawn in too with another team. I think because we were late they just didn't have time to stop to wash the van. There's no point saying you're going to have a competition if you're not going to follow it through!! It's an important rule in the classroom!!
It was about half seven by the time I got home. It was late for a Saturday. Laura and Jamie were gone somewhere. I attempted to wash some clothes but I couldn't get the washing machine to work, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow!!
I Skyped home then and was chatting to Mam for ages. I was talking to Shell for a while too. Neither of us ha any news but I still managed to be talking to them both for ages!!
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