Day 107: 17/4/13
No call either this morning. It's really annoying getting up for work and then having nothing. The one bonus is there's plenty of space at breakfast!! Laura got nothing either today.
I went back to bed again and then read for ages, as I have a habit of spending money when I do anything else!!
Eventually I got my ass up and went to the post office to post the letter for trailfinders that they were looking for. They just need my signature to confirm that Im responsible for having insurance or something. Then I got passport photos. I need them for the visas I get at the border anyway, even if I don't end up posting my passport to the Vietnamese consulate. The photo itself is terrible- thankfully it's not for anything that's going to last a long time!!
I went to the shop then and spent some money on food but it'll feed me for a good while! I needed milk so I could have tea!!
I sat in the lounge area for ages then, just watching tv with a German girl from the room and some other Germans. The tv was just on the news channel so over and over again we watched reports from Boston and the awful stories from there. Also Black Caviar retired- it was on the news about every 20 minutes!!
Mam rang about the visa for Vietnam then. I'll try to ring the Irish/uk embassy today or tomorrow and see if they know anything about getting a visa.
Then I missed a call from a number I didn't know. I rang back and it was the teaching agency offering me four hors work tomorrow. The name of the school rings a bell and I have a feeling its one of the schools that a teacher told Laura to stay away from! Tomorrow they must have meetings or something and they want someone to fill in for different classes during the day. I'm only there from 8:30 to 12:30 so it couldn't be that bad!! The guy on the phone said this school were always looking for people so hopefully it goes okay and I can get more work there!
I rang Shane aswell and he rang back after hurlin training. It was tough enoug he said. He was in good form. He had put up a status on Facebook which apparently came from Daddy: "Love is............ Going to the Mart in Headford!" Shell had answered him in delight! So we were chatting about that and about Mike goin home. He'd no other news really.
I did very little else all evening- just played games on the phone and stuff. I'll have to be up really early tomorrow as I have to be at the school at 8:00 and it takes over an hour to get there! So another early night. As long as there's something to get up for I don't mind at all!
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