Day 73: 14/3/12
This morning at the meeting I got my name written up as the top newbie for making a sale yesterday so that was good! The top rep was the Irish girl who sold 9. I saw her teaching someone else what to do and she does seem to use the pitch they've given so I don't know!
My manager Chloe was supposed to come with me again in the morning to go through things with me but she decided to let me out on my own first and then come back to me later. One of the girls wasn't in at all today as she was sick and one of the other girls didn't feel well during the day so Chloe didn't come back to me at all.
I felt much better about selling today as I had looked up the rates of the different companies and stuff and we are the cheapest so I was more confident comparing them.
I got a sale in the second hour and was the first of the team today. I told Chloe and she sent around a message saying how the newbie made the first sale of the day and what the f were the rest of them at. I think it was supposed to be motivational. There were a lot of messages during the day! The highest on the team today was only 3 I think. We had the on field trainer with us today aswell and he only got two- so I felt really good about my one sale!! We had set targets in the morning and mind was 2, but that didn't bother me! The man I sold to had changed before and new how simple it all was and knew he could easily change back if he wanted so he was well happy to try the cheaper rates- an easy sale!
Most people were really nice, although one man asked me to leave his property when he heard where I was from. I didn't question him! They seem to be sick of people calling about energy- one house even had a poster up telling you to go away if you were selling any kind of energy!! I couldn't get them really to get their bills as they'd heard the pitch before from other companies and just didn't want to listen to it again. So tomorrow ill have to try to get more bills!
I had knocked all the doors by 2:30. From 4-6 you're supposed to reknock the doors that hadn't answered so I took a break for a while and them reknocked, but I didn't sell anything else. So many women seem terrified of you and won't do anything without their husbands being home!
I met the English girl on my route to find a toilet! She wasn't feeling well so was just told to rest and wait. I finished up around 6. The ones that hadn't answered had been knocked three times at that stage so there was no point going any further! So I sat and chatted to her until we were collected! On the bus, Doug, the on field trainer produced beer for us so that was a nice surprise! I got dropped off in the city too so it was easy to get back to Laura's.
They have included me in the dinner the last few evenings and its been sitting waiting when I got home. I'm so grateful for it as I'm starving when I get home! I'll have to try and cook at the weekend to make up for it!
When I looked up the company last night I noticed that they were stopping door to door sales. The English girl told me then that in a few weeks we are getting a different contract where we have to sell electricity from a different company. That company isn't the cheapest so if that happens I don't know how I'll sell it! Well have to wait and see!
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