Day 113: 23/4/13
Today I was booked in for a school which starts at 8:30. I had to be there before eight so with trains and everything I had to be up at 5:30 to make sure I was on time! It left me getting there early but I prefer that rather than rushing or bein late because sometimes the trains are delayed aswell. I was wrecked this morning though as we had a snorer last night and I couldn't sleep for ages! I couldn't figure out who it was but they better not be there tonight!!!
The school today was a different type of school- I wasn't sure what that meant but the agency said it was quite old school. It was interesting to say the least!! When I got there the principal was there and he showe me around. I only had a few minutes to look at the work left before the staff had to meet. I saw that scripture was one of the things they studied so I wasn't sure what to expect. The staff meet at 7:55 every morning. They all stood when the principl entered and then they had a reflection where the principal chanted something. They just discussed a few things that were happening that day and then there was another reflection and chant before we went back to get ready for class!!
The teacher had lots of work left and very detailed explanations so it was grand! Before and after each lesson they pause and say a prayer which is like a chant. They learn Sanskrit which is an an ancient language and I think that's what they were saying in the chant- it was something like Ohm namaparatme or something! They thought it meant something like 'grant me divine energy' or something but they weren't sure as they were only grade 2. There were only 12 kids aswell so it was great! First the teacher had left handwriting and then they had library which left me with a free half hour to figure out what we were doing!! After library we had philosophy in which we had to discuss the commandment 'Love thy neighbour as thyself'.
After that they had morning tea. They went to a specific area and they got fruit and sushi. It was all prepared for them and there was more than enough for everyone! The teachers in the staff room all seemed really friendly aswell- there was a teacher from Dublin!
After morning tea we did some grammar and some Maths. They had textbooks- the first school I've been in over here with textbooks. Even though there was a lot of order with the pause and chants and stuff, the children were quite impatient in the class and had a tendency to talk out of turn and walk around the room. They seemed to be fairly good kids so perhaps the teacher lets them do that as they won't get up to too much mischief but I wasn't too happy with it! It didn't really add up with the whole run of the school. Every time they exited the class they had to line up but then they took off tearing around really loudly and so did the other classes! Noone was misbehaving as such but the noise level and running in the corridor wouldn't be tolerated in other schools. It didn't make sense to me how they were so strict in some ways and then not at all in others!
Anyway when it was lunch time, the staff and pupils all went in to a big area with long tables. Everyone stayed standing until the principal arrived and after a prayer we could eat. We had to eat fruit first in silence. Then there was rice and vegetables for dinner . There was nuts, raisins, yoghurt and honey laid out for dessert. At the end they had to finish eating in silence. It was like something out of Harry Potter! The children and to gather up all the plates and things before going to play.
We had some English comprehension work to do after lunch. They seemed really impatient, always jumping up to get theirs corrected, shoving it right in front of me even though I'd be correcting someone elses! Lots of children in Ireland are like that too and it dawned on me today that the children I've seen so far in Australia haven't been. They aren't constantly looking for your attention- they are much more independent. I'm not sure why. This school definitely didn't do much group work as they still had the old wooden seats with two in the seat and the kids that lift up. So perhaps it's all the group work that makes them more independent. It's definitely something to think about!!
After recess we had scripture, the teacher had left some text which I think was from the Bible and they had to learn to recite it, write it down and then draw a picture to go with it. A lot of the scripture is from the bible but there seemed to be talk of Hinduism and Buddhism aswell, whether the school teaches about all of them or the class just happened to be learning about them, I'm not sure.
Every child had to shake your hand when leaving- as they had done in the morning aswell. It was an interesting day to see the least. With all the Sanskrit, scripture and chanting I felt totally out of my depth. The children couldn't seem to sit still and I had forgotten what it was like for people to be demanding your attention all the time and talking across the room to each other! Thank God they were good kids as if they hadnt been it could have been chaotic!! I'm not sure about the whole system they have. There was a lot of emphasis on respect and kindness, especially in helping with the food which was good but the benefits of learning Sanskrit, Im not sure about! Also, I cannot understand how good kids, in such an quiet, ordered school seemed to find it hard to sit, listen and take turns. It will have me thinking for a while!!
I didn't do much for the evening- I was tired after the snoring last night so I just read a book and then went to sleep!
Dad text last night to say that Sadbh had a baby girl. Congratulations to her and Niall!! The first of a new generation!!
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