Day 132: 12/5/13
I woke around ten to 9 this morning so I thought I'd go down and get breakfast which finished at 9. I threw on some clothes and ran down. I put some bread in the toaster and went over to get some water. There were a load of people waiting for their toast. When mine popped up this Asian man beside me, who Id say was in his forties, took the toast and some more that was beside it. I was speechless. I was going to stop him and tell him it was mine but at this stage he had it all pawed so I figured I better let him off with it and I had to go an put down more toast!! It wasn't a particularly great start to the day!!
I went back to bed then but I didn't go back to sleep. I had copied a lot of movies from Trinne yesterday so I watched two before I got up- Magic Mike and the Perfect Getaway. Tey were pretty good. I went for a bit of a walk then, mostly just because I wanted a juice drink!
When I came back then I started planning the east coast to see what say trips or tours I might want to do and how much they will cost. I have a fair idea how much money I will have left for tours after I pay for travel, accommodation and food so I had to see if the tours I want could all be done for that price. At the moment it's looking good. The flights had been really dear but when I looked them up for the day after, leaving on Sunday the 9th of June it was 200 cheaper so I started to plan around leaving that day. I thin I can fit in all the main places. Obviously if I had more time I would stop in a lot more places on the coast and for longer but Ill be just picking certain places an skipping by the rest! I have a but of an itinerary in my head now so hopefully I can do the trips on the days I need to do them. That will all have to be worked out in the next week or so.
I skyped home later in the evening and heard all about Sheila Fitz's wedding and the Ladies Tea dance. I'd no news for them anyway so we were just chatting about random stuff!
I decided then I would book that flight. I hadn't seen it for that price before. I had been looking for flights on the Saturday really but I think I would have notices if the Sunday was way cheaper! So I figured I better book it while it was cheaper, just incase they put it up again! It did say sale price beside it and the Saturday one say raw fare so obviously it's a sale price of some sort! Hopefully I've gotten a good deal!! It's booked now anyway and it's 200 cheaper than I thought it would be yesterday! Well, by the time I paid for a bag and a booking fee it's 150 cheaper, but they were going to have to be paid anyway!
So I'm going to the east coast now one way or another! I definitely won't be living the high life while I'm there but I think I can do what I want! That's as long as I get teaching every day. Hopefully ill have a call brigh and early tomorrow!
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