Day 104: 14/3/13
I got up really late today. I was delighted with the sleep in. I read for a good while then and didn't get up properly until about 12!
I noticed when I got up that I had a hole in my sandals. I've been wearing then constantly for about 4 months but I think walking door to door was just too much for them! I went down the town to try and buy the exact same pair again as they are really comfortable but look good enough that they can be dressy. But the shop didn't have them. I'll have to buy some other ones sometime! For the next while it looks like we might need shoes anyway with the weather!
While I was down the town then I listened to some buskers. One was a group called Our Symphonic life who were really really good. They had a guy playing all sorts of bongos and percussion instruments and a guy that was playing the guitar, the fiddle and the keyboard. They said they were on tour from Europe. The percussion guy had an English accent anyway. They sang some of their own stuff and then did major remixes of modern songs. Look them up- they're good! It was funny then because a guy came along in one of them motorised things that older people have instead of wheelchairs. He drove right up to them and was asking to play the fiddle. He tried to take the guitar then. He pulled back for a second and then took he fiddle again. He wasn't able to play or anything, he was just messing. He looked like he might throw it though. They were in the middle of a song so they couldn't do anything but they had a groupie there selling CDs and he was running around after him taking guitars and fiddles off him!! When he decided to go he drove straight over the fiddle case they had left out with some CDs in it and money! It was like something on candid camera, but I don't think it was!!
I went to the Cinema then and saw Identity thief. It was fairly good. When I got back to the hostel I paid for another week of accommodation and they told me that in May the price is coming down three dollars per night and the place will get much quieter as it is the low season. That suits me down to the ground! It will be $147 for a week- there's no way Id get a house for that!!
I Skyped home again this evening. I don't know what other news they had- nothing really, just chatting.
Aftewards I got all the documentation i might need Ready for the interview tomorrow. I know what I want to wear. I have a little jacket I'd like to wear over it but its wrinkled and the iron in the hostel had to be binned as somebody ironed something that stuck to it! So hopefully it isn't too cold tomorrow!
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