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Location Date North America 1400799600 Oceania 1395100800 South America 1395100800 Asia 1358899200 Oceania -
Location Date New Zealand 1395100800 New South Wales 1390262400 Queensland 1389830400 Victoria 1389571200 Victoria - Melbourne
16 Dec 2013
(I'm very sorry for how boring these entries are at the moment). The good thing about working with a lot of vegetarian Indians is that when they make the new burgers so that they can be photographed, the 2 chefs fight over the veggie burger and have to have half each, whereas I get to take home both the tuna burger and fish burger.... wahey! Although whilst I was eating the tuna burger at the tram stop, there was yet another Melbournian who proves it's full of weirdo's. He walked past me staring at me, and then turned back on himself and introduced himself. He asked me if I was ok, and so because he just kept staring at me and not really saying much I thought he was hesitant to tell me I had something on my back or something. Then he told me I had beautiful eyes, so I started to get a bit freaked out and said I had to make a phone call, to which he told me to stay safe (I would be if I didn't have to talk to him!).
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