Vicki confirmed by text that I could still do full time hours at Hooked (she had a girl trialling last night so she was going to see how she went and then let me know, but she said she would definitely like to give me more hours whatever the outcome), so I started to have to worry about handing in my resignation at Sienna. I didn't know whether I was supposed to write a letter of resignation or not, so texted Caroline who said just tell Lucy, but I needed Alice to give me a kick up the backside to do it. I rang Lucy up who asked why, and when I said I felt more appreciated at my other job, she started probing me into specific scenario's and asking if there was a specific manager (it seems like she knew who it would be). It felt really good after I told her the whole Joey story because it meant maybe a little justice will be done (I know justice is quite a strong word for the situation, but you get the idea), especially as I think I was quite fair and said I knew I had part responsibility for the table running off and that it's a good idea for it to come out of the tips to make staff more proactive about preventing it, so maybe she can help improve the whole situation for other staff. I do feel a bit sad about not working with the people anymore, especially as there's less interaction at Hooked because there's only one front of house person, but hopefully I can still meet up with them for drinks.
When I started work there later (Lucy said I could just work up until Sunday), Joey told me he had put me on middle so he could watch over me as I needed to step the game up for Summer, which I felt very smug in thinking to myself 'err, no I don't". It also made me think "OK this is the sort of thing I'm talking about- start the night off with a downer". Later on he pulled me to the side and said "so I hear your quitting, is there any reason?" to which I replied that I feel more appreciated at my other job. He said I shouldn't take anything he's said personally, and was trying to make out like my other job was much less busy than Sienna, like that's all I could cope with, but how does he know what it's like! It was very telling that the girl who was on trial walked out halfway through saying there wasn't any point her staying because she wouldn't want to work here.
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