Checking out of our nice private room in our nicely located hostel was hard- the only fairly cheap hostel we could find was in the centre of Melbourne, surprisingly, but I guess it's easy enough to go to St. Kilda, or any other suburb we would want to go.
Once we had found Melbourne International Backpackers, I went to Officeworks to print my resume, and just as I was about to head out to hand them out, Amanda (the Swedish girl from Reef) arrived at the hostel. Her and Alice went to get some lunch, and I got the tram to St. Kilda, where a man started chatting to me, and wanted to look at the map I was holding. He didn't have a definitive idea of where he was going, but wanted to look round the area, so got off at the stop I got off. He followed me around whilst I handed out resume's- why is everyone in Melbourne I've met such a weirdo! - until I said 'sorry to be rude, but I think I'd be quicker handing these out on my own' to which he answered that he wanted to go in the opposite direction anyway, and that we were just going round in circles (because I was going down one side of the road, and turning around to go on the other side). Aside from that, it was a pretty productive trip- I have a trial tomorrow at 12 and another one on Thursday at 6-10, which slightly worries me as 4 hours seems a long time to have a trial for, if it's unpaid. I was excited to find a Topshop, and curious as I found a frozen yoghurt shop which has a vegemite flavour, although I didn't try it. I did however try a satay Roti from a place called 'Vegout' which was nice except could have done with having a bit more sauce.
I got back and was persuaded into having a few drinks because of it being Amanda's first night being back here (she has already had a 5 day trip to Melbourne), although it wasn't very busy in La La Land, the bar Amanda had heard of.
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