So much for it being dead! It was a beautiful sunny day and so people who weren't at the Melbourne Cup were out in force, and a fair few wanted to come and have fish and chips. I stayed until 5 again, which I'll get a good rate for because of it being a public holiday. I got another delirious comical moment at the end, whilst I was eating my meal at one of the benches, Dinesh was having a break sat at one of the tables, Vicki was on one side behind the counter, and then Deno and Chris were in the kitchen, because we were all wearing the same T-shirt so it felt like the scene of it would look like some sort of album cover where it's a picture of the same person but in 5 different places doing different things within the same room... I need to get out more.
Work at Sienna started out quite good because I had a couple of tables where I was getting along well with. There were 2 guys who were psychoanalysing Sharee by the way she had juiced their watermelon/ Orange juices, and a guy who is thinking of moving to England to do teaching, who I had spoken to before, came in . I don't think the fact I was talking to them reflected too well on Joey (even though I had my section in control) because later on I was blamed for a table leaving without paying. Basically Chana had started printing out everyone's bills because we had called last orders, and then got me to hand them out, but there was no-one to give table 48's to, and I think they had left a fair while a go, but I wasn't sure because they were seated in Egna's section (a new German girl who was being extremely annoying all night and kept coming into my section, and telling me what to do despite the fact she's newer than me). When a table leaves without paying, it comes out of our tips, which even though they can afford to not do (apparently they take about 30,000- 40,000 on busy Saturday's) is fair enough as it encourages us to pay attention so that customers don't get cocky and do it often. Despite the fact Joey has enough money (I overheard him having an argument with a table of girls, with them saying money doesn't make you happy and him arguing that at least you can have a good time with it), he brought us all together at the end of the night and was really stressing the point that we should have avoided it happening, but it seemed like he was annoyed he wasn't getting as much tips as he could have done. He was also unfairly singling me out as being responsible for it, despite the fact it wasn't my section, and I was making sure someone was outside all the time, whereas Egna was just walking in not caring. He seemed to think I hadn't checked the bill, when that wasn't the problem anyway. Earlier on, he hadn't let me go to the toile, and told me to wait until my 5 minute break, although I had waited until a time when my section seemed OK.
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