Again a very busy week and as I type the rain has thrown it down just as I sent Ken out to check my teachers! Tonight Home Economics but all day Maths and HE! As Maths didn't complete their resource handbooks 3 are returning tomorrow. Although I am not doing anything it is tiring and long days. However, late this afternoon I was called over to the Headteachers' meeting which was for a farewell to us both. THIS has never happened before and was so touching. They had signed a photo of them all and put messages on. And given us a present! Back to the fumigators! Yes anything sent out has to be fumigated [and paid for!!] especially if it goes through Australia. This will be my third trip before we get our things sent home by DHL. Going for a walk tonight we then were given presents from Karkar!!
Our trip has had to be changed though. So instead of S. America it will be a month in total from here to the Solomon's, then Fiji then NZ and home to where ever we find a bed!! So next year we hope to do a S. America trip.
This weekend we are taking ourselves to the hills to Simbai and then on Monday fly down to Aiome for three days. I was asked to run a session at a local school tomorrow but I volunteered Ken to do it!
After that it is two workshops for me then working on Sunday and the Queen's birthday holiday here and then PACKING!!!!! And sleeping in late!
- comments
Derek and Beryl Ken &Una thanks for keeping us informed. Prayer today Wed will be remembering you . Enjoy