Day nine. 18k. 370 up 345 down
Left Los Arcos at 9:00am
Arrived Viana at 3:45.
A shorter distance with less ascend and descend but seemed to be a bit longer than yesterday mainly because of the short steep up and downs.
We were very pleased that Jean was able to send 1.5 kg home at a cost of 45 Euros. Has already made a difference. We also bought some stamps so are looking for postcards.
It was cold today with a high of 13 degrees. Travelling though grape and grain country still.
We were having a bread and water lunch sitting on a bank and I managed to put my foot in an ant nest. Big ants over a cm long. Jumped down to shift to a more pleasant site and put a small tear in my pants.
Just having a lovely meal of meat and potato soup, salad, spaghetti a pork schnitzel. Dinner has now finished 30 minutes for four courses. We ate very little all day and Jean after declaring she could eat a horse has a stomach under protest. A walk to church for a pilgrim blessing will be just the thing.
Ava thank you for your message I love hear from you. Look in the message board I have written a reply.
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