arrived in banff after a mega 13 hr overnight bus journey not something i would do again in a hurry! was amazing coming in2 banff though the sun was rising over the mountains looked amazing!! so getting off the bus i had no clue where i was luckily a taxi pulled up just as i was about to panic! took me to the Y where i'm working. ended up waiting for 90 mins to be shown my room i was exhausted cld barely keep my eyes open and getting annoyed i was kept waiting! the jet lag and being ill wasnt helping things. after i was shown my room as was just left. i expected a tour round or introduction to people , got nothing!! met my room mate though cant pronounce her name properly let alone spell it, shes from quebec i think. shes really nice. took me up 2 banff hot springs so she cld get a present for someone then we got bus in2 dwn town she gave me a quick tour around then left me to get on with it. had no clue really wot i was doing! managed to find a grocery store. everything is so expensive here. i spent $54 on hardly anything that would have done my weeks shop in sainsburys at uni!! gotta watch wot i spend!! was informed by my room mate that we have to buy our own plates, cups, cutlery etc which took me off guard so cldnt really eat anything last nite. jet lag hit me again and i was in bed at like half 7 ttly exhausted!
woke up to the guys am staying with heading out they got bk at a ridiculous hr and my room mate came in at bout 4am they made a ttl racket in the common room. wasnt impressed. after an awful nite i cldnt settle was awake for hrs i started to feel mega homesick so my dad and brother had to listen to me crying my eyes out dwn the fone. summit i'm not used to doing but they were a big help so thank u guys! still feeling low but hoping it'll pass!
my first shift this morning was uneventful. lots of bed making, towel folding, window cleaning, sweeping, mopping and dusting! as u can see not the most glamorous job. lots of hard work. ttly exhausting trying to cure my jetlag though so instead of crawling in2 bed like i want to i'm sitting here in an internet cafe!
signing off for now hoping 2morro will be better and my desire to go home will fade!!
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