well my last week in banff has flown by! i finished up work on the sunday which ended up being the weirdest work day ever. we had a group take over all our private rooms and instead of checking out on time at 11 they didnt leave till about 12:30 so we spent all morning pretty much hanging out in the office on the internet then had to haul butt all afternoon! was a good last day though i made all ma housekeeping crew go outside after shift so a could get a picture of us outside the hotel.
i had a lot planned for my last few days but ended up doing none of it lol. the weather hasnt been great for picture taking so i spent my days gradually packing up ma stuff and chilling out with suze playing guitar hero and having her cook me dinner lol. i did go for a night out with the boys on tues for my farewell but had a few beers too many so the night was cut short lol. was worth it though. i paid for it the next day was soooo hungover! on wed night i went to gorgios for all u can eat pasta with flo, nadia, sara and suze. it was the last time me and suze would see flo cause shes off to oz so it was a farewell dinner for us both. turned out though all of us cld only handle one bowl of pasta each so the all u can eat kinda went out the window. oh well it really good wot we had!
so on my very last day in banff i did my laundry, packed up my stuff, i've now ended up with 2 bags instead of just a backpack but at least now i have room for all my souveniers and everybodys xmas pressies lol. 2nite i've helped suze lug all her stuff out her room cause shes moving into a flat when she gets back from our trip.
not a very interesting last week but its let me chill out b4 i head off. so excited about 2morro!!! dont worry i'll try keep up ma blog and pics as much as poss!!!
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