Hiked to sundance canyon on thursday. was such a gorgeous day and so sunny i had to break out my new sunglasses!! the scenary on the way to the canyon was awesome. the trail went along the bow river which is starting to melt. everywhere u looked u could see snow capped mountains. fell in love with the rockies even more. it was about 3k to the canyon but the walk was so nice i didnt notice it. there was still a lot of the fresh snow that fell a few days ago around so it made walking a little difficult. took me about 1.5hrs to reach the canyon (i kept stopping to take pics) walking thru the canyon probably wasnt the best idea. the first bit was quite steep and there wasnt any foot holds because the snow had ttly covered the steps. wasnt fun trying to crawl up the hill. got there in the end though and the views were amazing. the canyon was gorgeous in the sunlight. it felt like i was the only person for miles around. i didnt meet a single person on the way to the canyon or walking thru it. was perfect. at one point i stopped to take pics and there was no sound at all was perfect silence. felt weird not to even hear some birds. never heard total silence like that b4. shldnt have been surprsied though i was in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere lol. the last bit of the hike through the canyon was quite slippery and i went dwn on my butt a few times to avoid falling on it. the path went quite close to the edge as well and u cld tell only a few ppl had hiked it since the snowfall a few days ago so the path wasnt ttly clear. didnt get lost though was very impressed hehe. the walk bk to twn went a lot faster. i stopped at a picnic area and had my homemade tuna sarnies lol.
when i got bk however little did i realise wot was waiting for me.....a flooded room!!!!!!! stupid maintenance had flushed something upstairs and realised to late there wld be consequences dwnstairs so my sink exploded apparently. when i arrived bk james the maintenance guy had is head under my sink fixing it. there was black stuff everywhere and it smelled so bad. my drawers (thankfully not my clothes drawers) were soaked and the food and other stuff i had in them was ruined. i was fuming. they shampooed the carpet for us which is still wet 2day and i now have a fan trying to dry it but because it was wet all nite its started smelling damp which is jst adding to the yucky smell caused by the drain. not amused!!! so to cheer myself up i went to bingo, didnt win nething as usual, and had a pitcher of beer to myself!
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