First birthday away from home ever was weird lol but awesome! i went to breakfast with suze and sara before they started work and they gave me pressies and sara had baked me a cake and they brought it out in the bistro with candles on it and sang happy birthday was so sweet. they had to go to work but i went back to ma room to get ready for my hike, i was walking up sulphur mountain. fi called as i was getting ready so good to hear from her i missed her my past 2 bdays with her were awesome! anyways i got the bus to the start of the trail and it took me 90mins to get to the top which is apparently good going. was a gorgeous hike and cause its the mountain with the gondola every so often when u looped back the trail went underneath the gondola. at the top i called mum and dad was weird them not being with me but was nice to chat to them on top of a mountain lol. suze was meeting me up the top after work but she cheated and got the gondola up. after taking a few pics we hiked down and for some reason it took us just as long to go down as it did for me to go up. walking down is a killer on ur knees.
we had high tea booked at the fairmont (poshest hotel in banff) for 2:30pm and we were still hiking down at 2. so when we hot the bottom we staggered as fast as our tired legs could to the rimrock hotel and got them to call us a taxi. we raced back to the Y had 5 mins to change and freshen up and get to the fairmont. luckily erin gave us a ride and we ended up only being 5 mins late. high tea was amazing. everyone else there seemed to belong then there was me and suze, rosie cheeked still and sweating from our hike trying hard not to laugh at how out of place we looked. we were served tea from a silver tea set so of course pictures had to be taken. the food came on this 3 tired tray thing with tiny little sanwiches with no crusts and mini cakes and yummy scones so again pictures had to be taken. we even did the traditional pinkie up pose while drinking our tea. after our high tea we took a wonder round the hotel. we even headed up to the top floor to see if we could catch housekeeping and look in a room. we did see their carts and compared them to ours theirs are far superior lol and i pretended to vaccuum lol. once we'd had our fun inside we took a walk outside then called it quits. as we walked back to the Y it started to rain wasnt impressed.
i had 2 hrs to chill and get ready for dinner at the maple leaf with suze, sara and erin. it was a really posh restaurant but after we sat down and ordered drinks the power went out and we had a black out for about an hour. we sat in the dark eating salad and mussles it was all they could serve and got our drinks topped up. eventually when the power came on we all cheered and finally got served our mains. i had the best duck ever it was gorgeous. for dessert they brought me in ice cream with a sparkler in it for my birthday. suze and sara went home after dinner they werent feeling well and me and erin went and picked up kate and headed to the elk were we carriedon drinking cocktails and had a shot. all in all a pretty good birthday!!!
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