Had a pretty good week this week. It was evans leaving nite on sunday so we all went to tommys. was a gd laugh, i went home before they headed to the nite club though cause had to work the next day, thought that was very sensible of me haha! went to see hes not that into u at the cinema on tues nite with suze (my supervisor), linda and suze friend. was nice to have a girls nite not had one in so long. film was pretty gd to. they have this thing on tues where its $10 for the ticket and u get a free medium drink and medium popcorn!!! how cool is that?!? makes up for them not knowing wot sweet popcorn is! they shld bring that to the UK instead of having a cheap nite jst give out free food!!!
It started snowing really heavily on tues. first proper snow we've had since i got here and its pretty much snowed non stop till 2day. going to the cinema on tues was awful was so windy and cold and snowing!! think i needed some long johns!!! the snows to fluffy though to make snowmen its very upsetting lol!
my room mate alex moved in on mon nite. shes sooo nice, reminds me a bit of fi lol. we get on really well so the next few months shld be good fun! she works at norquay (ski hill) and she looked in2 how much ski and snowboard lessons are for me so think am gonna do one of each and see which one i like best and maybe take a few lessons in it!! rnt u impressed mum dad and daniel lol.
chatted to fo for a gd hour and a half the other day was gd to catch up!! havmt laughed so hard in ages!! made me miss home but cheered me up to!!
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