On july 26th/27th suze and i with other people from the Y headed to calgary to volunteer at one of the casinos. as a rule in alberta all the casinos have to donate money to charities and in return the charity sends volunteers to work there. i signed up ages ago for it and when the time came i kinda wished i hadnt. i had to work a full day on the sunday then head to calgary after work. we had no idea wot we were doing. when u eventually arrived and checked in the hotel (it was complimentary stay) we headed to the casino about 9:30pm. when we arrived we signed in and were told we werent actually needed till 11pm and that we would be counting the money and in the mean time we could go grab some dinner which was also free. so we sat and gorged ourselves on free food and drink. we werent allowed to gamble while we were there or drink so me and suze and megan another girl we were with played pool. when we had to go do sme actual work it only lasted about 30mins and all i had to do was take the money place it in a counting machine and read off the totals it was easy. then we were told we werent needed again till 1:30am so we went back and played pool. it was so much fun. we got back to the hotel about 2am i was shattered.
on the monday suze and i spent the whole day in chinnok mall shopping. i got some new clothes and we went and saw my sisters keeper at the movies. very depressing film and i'd never go see it again. we heaed back to the casino early after our day shopping and went bowling we were awful but it was good fun. again we werent need till 11pm so we had some more free food and played some more pool then we did the same thing as the night before just putting money into the machine and reading it off. we dove back to banff that night and got home about 4am i was so tired i fell asleep in the car on the way back.
i slept pretty much all day on tues got up about 2pm and dyed my hair. i brought some dye in calgary cause was getting fed up of it so nw its dark brown i kinda like it! that night suze and i went to the movies again keeping up with out tuesday movie dates and saw the ugly truth. definately not a film to see with ur parents lol. i was sitting next to an old women who actually walked out at one part cause it was so crude but it was hilarious!
on thursday after work matt, sarah, victor, greg, maryse and me went down opposite bow falls to this little secluded beach that only the locals know how to get to. we could see all the tourists looking at us from the other side wondering how we got there. we paddled in the water which was freezing and played beach football. me and sarah built a sand castle and we had a few beers was nice and relaxing. on the way back we were all craving mcds so we stopped off for some food and when we got back we decided to start playing drinking games was hilarious!!
saturday i went out for dinner with erin and suze and went to the movies again to see bruno again not one for the parents. i've never seen a movie like it and wuld never watch it again.
sunday we randomly decided to go out so we had a few drinks in played more drinking games and headed to wild bills (a pub). was such a good night we headed to a club afterwards and did some crazy dancing then i took myself home cause was working the next day. the pictures are hilarious but only some are suitable for here lol!
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