today was the day i eventually got to hike up tunnel mountain! the weather was perfect, clear skies gave amazing views! took some very clever map reading by me to actuallty find the start of the trail lol but once i did it was actually quite a steep climb up. made me realise how ttly unfit i've become think i need to start using the gym! it took me about an hour after leaving the hotel to reach the top. was a steady climb all the way up. with little view points on the way up. going up i didnt see a soul was perfect! the view from the top was stunning and well worth the climb! had my cream egg at the top and thought of home!!
coming down didnt take as long but was so icey and slippey think i nearly fell bout 6 times. eventually got down in one piece. think i;m gonna make it a regular hike it'll def get me fit!! cant wait to do it once the snows gone it'll be even better!
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