Not been up to much since last blog. work calmed down a bit which was good but got mega busy again on sunday. i dont normally do this but afterwards i was dying for a beer it was just one of those days! unfortunately one turned to many and went out and had a crazy nite with amelie, ben and james...good times!!! my first proper "banff" nite out and of course the next day everyone seemed to know just how crazy was crazy!! chilled out the rest of the week just been watching dvds in the tv room. watched the hours last nite, now thats a depressing film!!!
dont have much planned for my days off. its getting really warm here again so if the weather holds out mite hike up tunnel mountain on thursday! think 2morro will be a shopping and interneting day!
have changed my mind bout wot a wanna do though (i know again!!!) think i mite stay in banff for the summer season so i can make the most of all the hiking etc. then leave mid sept to do a 13day trip aroound western canada (kinda wot we did m & d). it goes from vancouver to tofino on vancouver island to victoria, back to vancouver then off to whistler. then it goes thru the rockies to banff up to jasper and back to vancouver via kelowna!! its not even that expensive so hopefully gonna book that once my canadian credit card comes thru! after that gonna head to toronto and do a trip to Algonguin Park where u stay in a log cabin for 2 nights and check out the wildlife and hike etc. its all with moose travel network so google it if ya wanna know more. the tours are called mustang tour and the beaver pass! this could all change though as u mite guess my plans seem to change on a daily basis!!!
so after 6wks am still loving banff but starting to realise just how small a town it is....
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