2 month mark!!
Well its 2 months 2day since i hoped on a plane and arrived in canada! doesnt feel that long at all time is zooming by. Not really been up to much the past week. its been unbelievably cold dropping to -30 at some points. didnt stop me, amelie, ben and toni going up to the hot springs on monday nite after work though it was so cool. was such a bizarre experience. we were all in bikinis (except ben) swimming in an outdoor pool where the temp was about -24 and all around us were the canadian rockies! everybodies hair was turning white with frost and mine had icilces growing on the ends!! was so funny to see! wish i had taken pics but my camera wldnt have worked and was too scared i'd drop it in the water. bad enough i wore my glasses they kept steaming up then freezing lol. was so much fun though and a good way to relax after a "hard" days work!
last night i went to the movies with suze. i'm starting to love salty butter popcorn lol. we saw one week, a canadian film with joshua jackson. was really good and some of it was filmed here in banff , u could see down banff avenue and he stayed in the hotel up the road! pretty cool eh?
I havnt been out drinking for a while (be proud guys) i'm trying to save money. it doesnt seem to be happening though. gonna try out a new budget this week see if it works and try keep a closer eye on where all my money disappears to! quite glad i brought my portable dvd player though cause now if it looks like i mite get persuaded to go out i go hide out in ma room. got season 2 of bones so thats entertaining me! got my room mate into it now hehe.
going out for dinner 2nite with suze and dorothy which wont cost me a penny! boston pizza is opening up and they came round and gave us tokens to get a free meal at the opening and any money we spend on drinks is going to charity and who am i to pass up a free meal!
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