My time in vancouver was way too short didnt get to do half as much as i wanted!! on my last day i went for a long walk round stanley park and managed to find the totem poles, the aquarium and the mermaid statue. was so pretty i loved it!! was good to get away from people stressing bout finding a job and somewhere to live. i felt kinda smug that i was all sorted. was gone for most of the morning but when i got bk i felt really ill ended up taking myself to a walk in clinic where i had to pay $100 just to be seen by a doc ended up waiting for well over an hr. by the time i was seen it was quater to 4 and i had to leave to get to the station bout quarter past 5 i was starting to panic! was told i have acute tonsilitis not something i wanted to begin my adventures!! eventually got out the docs and headed to the pharmy which charged me $40 just to fill a prescription!! it makes u miss the little things we take for granted in the UK like free health care!!!
tata for now!
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