I've been in BC for the past 4 days with suze and erin doing a little road trip. we left friday morning bright and early with a 9hr drive ahead of us. our destination aggassiz, BC. Suzes family originated from there so we decided to take a wee trip to take in the sights of BC and so suze could take a wee trip through her family history.
it was so nice to get outta banff for a while and the change of scenery did us all good. on our way there we made quite a few stops to take in the view, buy souveniers, take pictures and pee lol. we went through lots of small towns one of which was revelstoke which was so cute but will forever be an unlucky place for me as its where i dropped and broke my beloved camera and i had to go the rest of the trip cameraless relying on the girls to take pics for me and for those of u who know me it was torture being without my baby! our next stop after "that town" was a wee ghost town, cant remember wot its called. it was attached to a hotel on a lake. it was lots of old run down buildings with artifacts inside and the place was supposed to be haunted. we werent going to go but erin managed to get the lady to let us in for 5 bucks each instead of 12. we spent the whole time there taking pics of us on all the various trains and inside all the differentt buildings. it cheered me up after my camera accident. never saw a ghost though which was disappointing! that was our last really significant stop on the way. the rest of the drive was spent making tim horton stops to get coffee to keep us awake and food stops to stop us moaning lol. we were supposed to camp that night but by the time we got to our campsite it had been raining a lot it was pitch black and none of us felt like pitching a tent so we treated ourselves and spent the night in the motel at the campsite.
after a restless night (the people next door wldnt shut up) we got up and headed into the town of aggassiz. it was still raining but after finding a coffee and cake shop we were refuelled and went to find the corn festival (one of the main reasons we were there). in reality it was just like a country fair with amusement rides, petting cages with all sorts of farm animals, arts and craft stalls and lots of junk food stands. it was fun though there was a pipe band and lots to see so we spent the morning wandering round and stuffing our faces. it was cute though cause it was such a small town it was obvious everyone knew each other and this was obviously the main event of the year. we did actually eat corn at this corn festival and its probably the best corn i've ever tasted!
in the afternoon we headed to a small town called harrison lake, no surprise it was on the lake side of a gorgeous lake. we ate ice cream and walked along the boardwalk in the sunshine was such a gorgeous afternoon. we decided to find bridal veil falls after that so after going to a cheese factory so the girls cld stock up on cheese we drove for 30mins in the wrong direction looking for these falls to find out they were actually only 5 mins from our campisite back in aggasiz. so we turned around and headed back. was worth it though they were stunning it was like walking through a jungle to get to them. there was a big sign saying danger do not cross this fence and wot did we do we crossed the fence and took some awesome pics nearer the falls. we headed back to the corn festival after that to get more corn but when we got there there was no corn left so we just wandered round through the rides and went back to the motel loaded down with food for dinner. on the sunday i was rudely awakened at stupid o'clock by suze singing and bouncing on the bed to get us up to head to vancouver to search for filming locations from supernatural.
we spent the day driving around vancouver and its outskirts taking pictures at various random sights that supernatural had been filmed (yes sad i know). we had lunch in a beautiful town called fort langley where supernatural was filmed and we went into one shop that jarred padalekkie stepped foot in! i apologise to all those who probably have absolutely no idea wot or who i'm talking about! we sat by the river to eat and ended up being about 10m away from awedding taking place! we cld hear the vows and everything. was a weird wedding no music, very quiet and was over with in about 10mins! we did get to witness a little family spat very exciting! after fort langley we headed to yet another small town called hope (it was where rambo was filmed). we decided to camp there instead of driving back to aggasiz. the campsite was gorgeous, right by a river! suze and i watched erin put up the tent in about 5mins flat very impressive! it was tiny though and i was too tall to sleep the normal way so we had to switch directions was quite funny! we went and brought bonfire supplies and made ourselves a cute little fire. it was the first time i've ever cooked food over a fire. we made burgers and weiners and smores was very exciting lol!
our drive back on the monday was LONG!!!!! we made a wee detour for me cause i wanted to see this tourist attraction called hells gate. its a tram going down over a gorge but it was $17 and didnt really look worth it so i made us detour for no reason felt a bit guilty. the drive back was nice though we went a different way so saw more of BC which is so different to alberta! we stopped off at this fruit market which sells the most amazing fruit i had the best pear i've ever tasted there! we stopped for dinner in revelstoke and kept on driving getting back about 9. it was ashame we didnt get to stop at more places on the way back but we were all exhausted! all in all it was a pretty good 4 days with the exception of breaking my baby and i think i've seen just about everything BC has to offer now!!!
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