went round to suzes on monday night and had a junk food session and a double bill of ryan reynolds. watched blade trinity and the recent amytiville horror both awesome! tuesday night is movie night so this week we saw public enemies with johnny depp i loved it suze wasnt too impressed but come on johnny depp...u cant really go wrong!!! friday i decided to finally get my butt in gear and hand out some cv's try find a 2nd job to get some more pennies for my travels and the 2nd place i went to i got an interview on the spot and got the job and asked to start sat. so suze and i went out for dinner at st james gate to celebrate. i had a turkey, strawberry and brie sandwich it was awesome thought it was a weird combo but mmm so yummy! so sat night i had my first shift at welches (a sweet and chocolate shop) and little did i know that it would be my last!!
when i got there i chatted to the manager for bout a minute and was told one of the girls would train me. i was like yup thats cool but my training consisted of theres the chocolates, theres the sweets thats where u fill them up heres where u weigh them out right go serve that customer. i was completely taken aback but though cldnt be too hard so i served people and the girl came back and was like did u weigh this i was like yer probably and she starts telling me i did it wrong abd this is how u do it and i said well nobody showed me how to properly use the machine so how was i supposed to know. everytime i asked anyone a question they looked at me like i was stupid. i gradually started getting the hang of it but there was no communication in the shop i found out the girls hated the manager who i later found out is a witch who just yells at her staff. i thought she was rude and abrupt at my interview but didnt think anything of it. i discovered that their training is all done by u reading this huge folder. it even tells u how to deal with travellers cheques and a step by step instruction on how to use the cash register and the credit card machine and it says in it i know u have not read this if u cant do these things. it also told me the training pay wa only $6.50 and the actual pay was $8.50 thats less than minimum wage apparently. so when i got home that night and chatted to ppl in staff accom i found out a lot of ppl had applied for the job but all turned it down because of the way the manage treated them. i figured for a 2nd job i didnt need the stress so i walked in there the next day handed the folder back and quit! i've never worked in a place where there was such a lack of communication and training. oh and there was a note taped to the locker telling u where to get the tax form, to take money and go to RCMP to get ur criminal record check and that u wont get paid till this was done and u just slip it all under the office door! see no communication at all its a wonder the womans still in business. 2 girls who work there r quitting in a week and they've only been there for 2! ok will stop ranting about it now and just keep looking for something less stressful!!
sunday night was marks leaving party. we ended up having a water balloon fight which was so funny! the guys got me good so i ended up chasing matt and toby half way round the y trying to get them back and missed both times but in the end i got them both good right square in the chest lol. so after everyone was suitably wet we headed inside and tried playing poker but by this point everyone was pretty drunk and no one could concentrate so we ended up just doing random things we had a mini dance floor, played on the y's walkie talkies, i took matts video camera and apprently made a really stupid funny video of everyone i havnt seen it yet dont think i want to! in the end it was a pretty awesome night and surprisingly i wasnt really hung over the next day but i was exhausted!!! so last night i went to bed at like 9 cause i kept falling asleep on the couch. not b4 i watched a few episodes of due south and rekindled my crush on benton fraser!!!
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