My perfect day has just been runied by technology!!!! i spent the day hiking up to the hoodoos (weird rock formations) the weather was gorgeous, beautiful sunshine, hot enough to get a tan amazing!! took me 3 hrs to hike 4.5km cause kept stopping to take pictures of the amazing view and jst take in the general splendor! only took 45mins to walk bk lol. was the best hike i've done so far. came to the internet cafe to look at my amazing pics. i cld see them fine when i connected my camera to the comp but i wanted to wait till i moved them onto my usb to view them properly (my battery on my camera was running low) so dwnloaded them on2 my usb stick and the files came up looking weird and i cldnt view them. i moved them instead of copying them onto my usb to free up space and wot happens i loose them ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am unbelievably angry!!!! they were the best pics ever from an amazing day and now i have no record of it at all!!!! didnt even get to see them b4 i lost them. wot a crap end to a perfect day!!!!!
got over my disappointment now lol. will just have to do it all over again and who am i to complain about that!
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