Well as u may or may not know it was australia day yesterday which was HUGE here!! so for da first time in canada i had a night out! Played a few drinking games with a few of the guys before hand. taught them black and red got james really drunk HAHAHA!! only a few of us headed out to Aurors (a night club kinda like liquid) they played nothing but dance music which was weird but still good only recognised a few songs though lol. got my first introduction to tipping! i had to tip the girl who took my money to get in2 the club, the girl who took my jacket, the barman and the girl wandering round selling shots!! was crazy wldnt have tipped any of those guys back home!! Think i shocked a few people cause none of them have seen me drinking before. was kinda dancing crazy like a do back home lol. found out from english james that i seem to the guys there shy and reserved.dnt know how else to be when at the start none of them spoke to me!!!! was surprising after going out and drinking some of them seemed to have accpeted me more. strange culture here...must be a travelling thing...everbody has to alcoholics or your not accepted!!
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