this week has been rather uneventful. had a few nights out, one for dans leaving night which turned into a moustache party. all the guys were having a competition to see who could grow the best mo and it all ended with dans leaving night even us girls got a mo painted on it was hilarious. so we had a party in oreo first then headed into town it was a good laugh. our other night out it was just me and amelie and a few of the guys to commiserate dan leaving we ended up in the magpie pub drinking jars of beer and throwing peanut shells at each other again good fun.
apart from that i went to the movies with suze on tues and saw the proposal very cute film and 2day i went canoeing with tracey after work as the start of our get fit for the summer plan. the weather was rubbish though and the current was too strong so it took us about 45minutes to get like 10mins from the dock and 5 mins to get back lol. we were very proud of ourselves.
had an eventful day at work on monday. suze and sara went on a dogsled tour so i was left to work on my own. literally 2 mins after they left the toilet in 315 decided to flood and water went everywhere!! took ages to clean up then after being radioed a million times about some set up i had no idea about i had to clean up sick around the toilet in 210 and to top it all off the elevator was broken so we had no carts so i had to run up down the stairs a million times to get stuff i was running out of! crazy crazy day!!
thats all for now. saving up for the stampede first wknd in july cant wait!!
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