So headed up the gondola this morning with my now ex room mate Amelie (she moved out yesterday so she can share with her cousin when she comes, so i get a new room mate soon). We got tickets for half price cause we're "locals" so instead of paying $27 we got it for $13!! The ride up took about 8 mins was only us 2 in the cart which was tiny lol. As soon as we got to the top the views just blew me away it was amazing!!! makes you fall in love with the rockies all over again! You could see the whole town and more. Amelie was the perfect guide pointing out all the different mountains and all the landmarks down below. we could even see the Y (where we work). Was such a clear morning and there was hardly anyone up there was so peaceful. Apparently you can hike up a lot of the mountains, amelie has done most of them so i cant wait for the snow to melt some more so i can do them. you can hike up sulphur mountain instead of taking the gondola so gonna do that to. Need to get maself a bit fitter b4 a tackle some of the bigger ones. Gonna do tunnel mountain first which is just a baby lol. So after we wandered round for a bit and took some pics we headed to the gift shop. i've decided to collect pin badges from the places i go so bought one 2day with a wee picture of the gondola on it. i'm pinning them to ma back pack jst now!
So as i said i dont have a room mate just now so i've moved to the bottom bunk which is so much better than climbing up top every nite and i've moved all ma stuff to the top drawers etc lol. it looks so bare though without all amelies stuff didnt realise how much was hers lol. one of the dwnsides to her moving out though is it was her tv we had lol. first time i've stayed somewhere without a tv feels weird lol. gonna take a while to get used to! so dont know when ma new room mate moves in. for all i know she could be there when i get bk. hope not though, it'll be nice having ma own space for a few days.
yesterday i went and did a food shop and it cost me $91!!!!!!!!!!!!! now i wldnt have said i bought anything over the top etc. was about the same as i did at uni but cldnt believe how much more expensive it is! hoping its gonna last me a couple of wks cause def cant afford nearly 100 bucks a wk on food!! my budget for the wk is supposed to be about 100!!! think i mite get a safeway card and see if a get stuff cheaper lol and talking of expensive i sent my brothers bday pressie off 2day and it cost me 30 bucks to send by air!!!!! thats prob more than the pressie cost (sorry bro). so think am gonna have to stop spending so much otherwise a'll never save anything. people tell me its quite hard to save money working at the Y cause wages are so crap! but rent is cheap so i figure it balances out!!
not sure wot am gonna do this aftern prob jst chill out! work again 2morro i swear time passes faster on ur days off!! got a busy 6 day wk ahead but got my lake louise trip to look forward to!
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