I'd been looking forward to going to lake louise since i booked the tour but i have to say it was a bit of a disappointment! I thought they might have cancelled it because of the weather, it was snowing a lot and was really misty but they didnt. So when the bus turned up to pick me up the first thing they said was dont think we'll be able to do everything but we'll see. U know wot that means...we did less than half of the tour! we were supposed to see some icefields and go to a lodge and drive back through the bow valley parkway but we cldnt do any of that cause of the road conditions. so we had to settle for spending the whole afternoon at lake louise. in winter though theres not that much to do there. so we spent half and hour at the visitors centre which wasnt that interesting then we headed to the lake.
u couldnt see across to the other side it was so misty! so our time at the lake was spent having a talk from our guide then left to our own devices. there was 4 of us on the trip all from the UK lol. so i teamed up with girl called louise and we went to the gift shops lol i brought a pin to add to my collection. we decided to brave the outside and went and looked at the ice sculptures from the competition a month ago. they were quite impressive, some had bits missing though. after that we decided to walk along the shore line a bit. it was soooo cold! taking our gloves off to take pics was painful. our fingers froze up!! we stopped bout half way and turned round. on a clear day the views would have been amazing but you just couldnt see anything!!
on the way back the guide took us on a little detour to see some elk which were camping out in a field. there were so many of them was a sight to see!!
so overall was a good afternoon but mother nature was against us! typical that today its gorgeous blue skies!!
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