Well its been a week full of drama. my room mate came back on friday night with a broken arm, got a bit of a shock when i woke up on sat morning and saw her in a cast! its put me off learning to snowboard thats for sure! Went out on sunday night for ben and tonis leaving nite they're off to mexico (so jealous). we started in tommys and then headed to devils gap. was pretty good night. i only got 2hrs sleep so was shattered for work the next day. Ended up only being a half day for me though, alex my room mate came and found me at work asking me to go to the hospital with her. her fingers were jst a bit too swollen so i ended up spending 4hrs on monday aftern in the emergency room while she got a new cast put on. every person who came into the ER had a snowboarding injury so if i wasnt put off b4 i am now! it definately beat work though. it did mean i was late for dorothys leaving dinner at earls and after only 2 hrs sleep the night b4, being at the hospital all aftern and having no time for a shower i looked liked hell!! still made it though and spent the nite eating pizza, drinking margaritas and playing with glow sticks. went to the movies again on tues night with suze, seems to becoming our weekly date lol. we saw fired up a cheer leading comedy which was hilarious i hadnt laughed so much in ages. apart from that though my nights have been spent chilling in my room with alex and watching supernatural...we're addicted!!! yesterday though i needed some cheering up just felt fed up so alex met me in the drug store and helped me pick out some hair dye and we spent last nite dying my hair a nice shade of auburn turned out pretty well! we did it as a proper make over and i wasnt allowed to see it till alex had blow dryed and straightened it for me! in the process though we managed to blow out all the lights in staff accom when we used the hair dryer we had to reset the breakers it was soooooo funny! good job everyone else found in funny too lol. i also for once in my life made a nice healthy salad for my dinner. alex came shopping with me to safeway and helped me spend $35 on lettuce, chicken, peppers, carrots and a million other healthy things to put in wot was actually a pretty alright dinner. gonna make it again 2nite. i cooked some veg then some chicken and cooked it both 2gether in sweet and sour sauce and put in on a bed of lettuce, tomato and cucumber (gordon ramsey wld be so proud) i'm trying to be healthy. which didnt last long cause i went dwn to the machine and brought smarties hehe!
i've been trying to plan my next step. think i'm running out of things to do here in banff and dnt really feel like i fit in at staff accom. going to wait though till after the calgary stampeed to move on which is start of july. got things to look forward to though between now and then. going to calagary shopping on da 16th. meeting suze there to have a bit of retail therapy. then start of june i'm going on a 4 day trip up to jasper and back its pretty much 4 days of hiking so cant wait for that (jst need to book it). then heading to the stampeed in july with suze we're gonna go see kelly clarkson. apparently with the ticket u get a free day in the stampeed something like that. only found out 2day so we're gonna plan it 2morro at work. so at least i've got things to look forward to and keep my mind off things. alex was talking about me going with her back to newfoundland and finding a job so thinking that cld be a plan. not sure yet though i'm keeping my options open. wld def be handy though. its on the coast which i love and its on the right side of the counrty lol. just need to save up my money for all these things. if it comes to it though my last resort is to work till about july/august do my travelling then head home late august/sept. i dnt think i'm cut out for this travelling stuff.
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