so i went to the movies last night an saw one of the worst films ever...drag me to hell. u would think from the title it'd be scary but nope. there were some funny parts but mainly it was lame! i came home though to a turkey roast dinner!! erin the housing manager had donated a turkey ages ago so me and mark decided it was time we cooked it. so we had turkey, roast potatoes, and sausage and bacon was yummy! only downside is we ate it at like 11pm while watching crocodile dundee lol.
i had a very productive day off 2day though. suze and i went on the disciver grizzly bear tour. there was only us and another couple from switzerland. first stop was lake louise. that seems to be the first stop for any tour feels like i've been there a million times but actually only twice. its good though cause everytime i've been its looked so different so at least it'll never get old! after seeing the lake we carried on to the ski hill resort, the lake louise gondol. it looked like it was going to rain so instead of wearing my rain jacket i wanted to wear one of the tours ponchos. was such a novelty lol. we were forced to sit through this pointless presentation first then we headed up on an open chair lift. it rained a little bit but was still fun and quite a novelty. once we hit the top we headed to the viewpoint but the view wasnt that great too many clouds in the sky. still worth the trip though. found out afterwards we went up the gondola cause the falls which we were supposed to visit was still closed and will probably open next week...just our luck! they're supposed to be the 2nd biggest in canada.
we then about a 2hrs drive to get to the kicking horse resort which is another ski resort in golden, british columbia. up the top of the gondola is a grizzly bear reserve. we had lunch first at this very posh restaurant at the bottom of the hill was yummy. then we headed up another chair lift to get to the reserve where boo the grizzly bear lives. he was orphaned as a baby when his mum was shot and hes been kept in the reserve since. when we arrived he was sleeping so while we waited for him to wake up we got a talk from the guide. after teasing us for about 20mins playing wiith a tree and scratching himself he eventually emerged and came right up to the fence. he went for a quick swim in a little pond then decided to come to the fence and have a sniff. after drying himself off i think he decided he didnt like the look of me and suze and charged the fence where we were standing he then promptly turned around and showed us just what he thought of us by having a poo!! we headed back down the chair lift after that and started heading back towards banff. along the way we stopped at emerald lake which i found vaguely familiar (mum, dad did we stop there to?) it was starting to rain again and just as i came out the washroom suze started yelling something about a moose. all i could see across the other side of the lake was a blob so we darted along the trail hoping to get a closer look but the dam thing had darted into the trees by the time we got there. very unimpressed its very rare to see them! our last stop was the spiral train tunnels. we were very lucky the rocky mountaineer train passed through them just as we got there. the tunnels were designed so the train could get up and down the mountain safely. quite cool to see.
overall was a pretty awesome day!
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