July 1st was canada day which i think is just an excuse for canadians to have a booze up! i had to work during the day but after work i headed down by the river to meet up with the rest of the guys. the weather was gorgeous and everyone was wearing something canadian. us oreoites of course went all out with hats, flags and facepaint it was messy! there was a parade down banff avenue but we missed it, having too much fun playing basketball, drinking beer, paddling in the river and just chilling out. us girls got bored though and headed to the other side of the river where all the entertainment was. there were 2 stages with live music and me amelie and nancy went crazy with our dancing! we ended up on stage surrounded by little people trying not to run them over! at one point the band playing asked if there were any scots in the audience and there were a few of us then they played the proclaimers 5oo miles i went nuts jumping up and down! after a while of feeling awkward being surrounded by kids we escaped and went back across to the locals side of the river. after a few more drinks me and sara got bored again and went back across to the music and after a quick chat with an old austian dude we went back up on stage and pranced around again! we got bored after a while and i was getting cold (walking around in soaking wet trousers does that to u) we headed back to the Y and after mucking around behind front desk for a while we all got ready and headed out to tommys our local then onto the rose and crown to dance to some more live music. it was an awesome night!
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