Had an awesome week this week. the weathers been gorgeous reaching plus 20 degrees!!! beats the snow we were getting a few weeks ago lol. On friday suze and i walked erin into town then we went off and tried this new place called shakes it sells milkshakes, smoothies and bubble teas as well as hot dogs and fries. so guess wot i had?? yup hotdog lol!! was sooooo good. we went for a walk up banff ave and went to the lolly shop and u'll never guess wot suze found.....IRN BRU!!!!! i went crazy!!! we got a can each and i savoured every mouthful!!! Sat was such a quiet day at work. suze and i left early and met up with erin and we went canoing! the Y has a staff pass so we get free rentals for 2 hrs. it was sunny and hot and bow river was so pretty! i sat at the back, suze in the middle and erin was the steerer. we were pretty good!! think we're gonna make a regular thing mite as well when its free! when i got bk to staff accom the guys were having a bbq outside so i headed out with my bowl of soup lol and played volleyball with amelie for a bit! i was hopeless though but good fun. cant wait till we get the proper net put up!
Sunday we still had gorgeous weather so againwe left work early an met erin and we headed to safeway got lots of yummy picnic food and drove out to johnston lake. the water was warm enough to paddle in kinda reminded me of paddling up at loch rannoch at home. erin brought her dog artex with us so he was running around. we chilled out, sunbathed and had our picnic was such a good night! we headed to 2 jacks lake after that to take pics cause me and suze had never been b4. it stayed sunny till late. we saw some big horn sheep on the way bk so we played the tourist and stopped to take pics.
monday was uneventful and again quiet at work. i went out running after work and while i was out its started spitting then turned into a fully fledged thunder storm!!! it was a tornetial down pour with thunder and lightning and i got soaked through! i run under a bridge for part of my run and there was ppl huddled under it trying to keep dry i figured wot the heck i'm already wet and ran straight through. bet they cld tell i was british lol used to the rain lol! dnt know wot it was though but i managed to run for a full 30mins without stopping first time since i was training for my last 10k!
had to work today (tues) just for 4 hrs in the morning which was fine by me gets me an extra 4 hrs on my pay! going to the movies 2nite to see terminator. havnt seen the others so cld be interesting either that or i'll fall asleep half way through!
well better go think suze is wandering banff ave looking for me!
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