Had a good week this week. moved into my own room on mon. so good to have my own space after nearly 3 months of sharing! i've already made it feel like home and got pics of all u guys up on my wall. went out for drinks to the elk with alex on sunday nite was so nice just to chill out over a pint and have a girly chat. was my forst pint of strongbow since leaving UK was good to have a little bit of home lol. they played some live music was such a good nite. went dwn town after work on mon nite with suze went around some shops and had dinner out. tues nite is movie nite. this week we saw knowing with nicholas cage...very good film!!
i booked my 4 day hiking trip to jasper and very close to booking my 18 day trip round the east coast in sept. heading to calgary on wed afternoon to meet suze and spending all day thrus shopping! its been so long since i've had some proper retail therapy so looking forward to that! working easter wknd which sucks but a'll get the time back to use on my days off in june. theres gonna be an easter egg hunt in the ground of the Y for the kids in banff. if i wasnt working i wld have volunteered! this will be the first year i think i havnt had an egg hunt...sad times lol! felt very loved 2day walking out the post office with 3 big parcels!!! one from the australian easter bunny!!! and 2 from home which i'm not allowed to open till sunday so excited lol love getting pressies from home! they dnt seem to sell proper eggs here only cream eggs and mini eggs...weird huh!
hopefully gonna try find a 13k trail 2morro. it apparently starts behind the banff springs so i'm gonna go investigate! will pack a picnic and spend the day out and about i think. the weathers been so nice here lately. the snows melting and we've had nothing but sunshine! it even reached 13 degrees yday!!! think spring is def on its way!!!
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