Right well i've been in Canada for a week now and its been a long 7 days!! Slowly geting settled into the canadian way of life! I'm loving Banff its such a gorgeous place, the views around town are amazing! Went for a walk today to the cave and basin centre. didnt go on the tour to the cave but walked around taking a trip down memory lane from when i was there in 2001 with the family! It hasnt changed much was just very different seeing it covered in snow instead of bright sunshine! The woman in the bank this morning said its gonna be -17 2nite!! thats one thing i'm still not used to and thats the freezing cold! according to people here its been quite warm compared to normal so am dreading when normal comes back lol. Off work 2morro as well think i mite either go up tunnel mountain think its about an hrs hike to the top or go on one of the other walks around downtown. still getting aquainted with the place so not venturing too far away yet! I have booked a couple of discover banff tours though...i thot i'd be brave lol. so week 2day i'm going on the "discover banff and its wildlife" tour which is a sight seeing tour taking me round lots of different attractions. it'll take me back to cave and basin but at least a'll know my way around! it lasts about 3hrs so should be really good! Another tour i've booked is for the wed after that and its the johnston canyon walk where u hike on steel walkways attached to the walls of the canyon thats the one i cant wait for!! so look out for my blogs on those!
Life in oreo (the place where i stay) is still quiet, slowly getting to know people but feels like it'll take a lot to break into their already tight group. some of them leave over the next few weeks so maybe it'll get easier when theres less of them lol. it can be quite intimidating walking into the common room sometimes when they're all in there but think they're getting used to me like i'm getting used to them. hopefully when i'm off the antibiotics etc i can start showing them how a scotsman drinks :P as think they're all pretty big drinkers! still feel homesick but think its very very slowly starting to fade think it'll be awhile till its gone completely but untill then theres not much i can complain about when i'm surrounded by such a gorgeous place!
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