wow havnt updated this in a while, very sorry. not been up to uch except the usual movies, going out for dinner, chillinh with the guys in oreo and heading to the pub a few times. it was tracys leaving night a few sundays ago so we had a bbq out the back of oreo and played a drinking game and had vodka jelly shots. we were all supposed to head into town but it ended up being me and a few of the guys. good fun though, very drunk.
End of august tracy, emma and i decided to make the most of locals appreciation day up at sunshine meadows. During winter time its one of the big 3 ski hills in banff so everywhere u looked there were chair lifts and ski runs. tracy and emma tried to describe wot it was like it the snow but i couldnt quite picture it. the day was gorgeous, so hot and sunny and not a cloud in the sky. we had to get a shuttle bus from banff up to the trail centre which took about 25mins. after being pointed out all the sites from the girls we headed off on the lake loop which took us past 3 lakes and was about 6km. there are a lot of grizzlys up at sunshine so we had bear spray to protect us and we made a lot of noise.
the place was beautiful once we got past the ski hill part it opened up into some gorgeous scenery. in the summer sunshine meadows is famous for its wildflowers but there werent as many left when we went than there was at the start of summer but still stunning. so we spent the day walking the trails and headed up to a view point which had the most amazing view. after our afternoon of hiking we had a bbq while we waited for the bus to take us back to banff was yummy. it wasnt till i was on the bus i realised how burnt i'd got of course i forgot to wear sunscreen...oops! i looked a bit lobsterish the next day.
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