Had quite an uneventful week this week. still recovering from calgary i think! i now work 8-4:30 so been getting used to early mornings still not adjusted lol i get up at ten to 8!! trying to get better though and actually get up in time to have breakie (its not happening) i like finishing early though especially when my last hour of the day used to be doing nothing. had a guitar hero night on monday with suze and sar. its so much fun and very very addictive!! tried out my running shoes twice since i got them and they're amazing so comfy!! hopefully wont take me long to get bk up to 30mins running straight. right now i'm at 20 but its hard work. hard to believe that bk in sept i cld run an hr without stopping lol. maybe all those canadian burgers and muffins are catching up to me lol. my supervisor sara wants to come running as well so we can defend each other if we run into any bears lol. tuesday nite was movie night again and i've fallen even more in love with zac efferon lol. saw 17 again and its sooooo funny!!! really wanna see it again as sad as that is lol. when i got bk from the movies walked into staff accom and u cld jst smell guys! all 8 of them were sitting in the tv room watching the hockey playoffs and u cld jst smell the beer and testosterone lol. once it had finished some of the guys left and me and alex grabbed the remote and put on friends then sex and the city so u can imagine the guys reactions when they came bk in lol. we put our foot down though lol and got 20mins of uninterrupted girlie tv was bliss lol! on wed nite me and alex decided to have a girlie nite and went and rented some girlie moveis (starter for 10 and made of honor) and chilled out with some wine and vodka and had a girlie eveing was gd fun. we had a gd laugh at how made of honour portarys the scots lol.
today i was going to head out hiking but it came over cloudy and it ahd snowed again last nite so decided to jst have another chill out day. watched a bit of highlander which is when i was asked by some of the guys if thats wot scotland is like and if i acted like that at home to which i answered yes scotland is exactly like that. they found it hilarious lol. went and got mum something for mothers day took me ages to choose a card they're even more ridiculous here than at home. so mum i apologise now if u find it cheesy lol. its weird canadian mothers day is may 10th instead of in march so sorry u've had to wait mum lol.
not up to much 2nite going for a run then prob again jst chilling mite do more of my mosaic puzzel u sent mum its very addictive lol. hope alls well bk home!!!! missing u all!!
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