well with the execption of my moose trip i havnt updated this much lately so here goes.
back at the end of may i went to my very first comedy night at a pub called the paddock. there were 2 comedians the first wasnt that funny but the 2nd guy was like about 50 and he was hilarious!! he made fun of the brits quite a lot which had all us brits in histerics. was good to go to something different and it was free so y not! we also had english james leaving night and not surprisingly carnage ensued! i watched high school musical 2 before the party started and got ripped for it lol i cant help it that i like cheese lol. about the night itself lets just say after beer, tequila, drinking games and vodka we were all pretty merry amd surprisingly i wasnt hungover in the slightest the next day at work!
once i got back from my trip took me ages to catch up on my sleep i still feel exhausted all the time! i havnt been up to much since getting back. i caught up with fi which was nice i miss our flat banter! went to the movies again and saw the hangover which i think is the funniest movie i have ever seen in my life i think i laughed the whole way through! i dont know if its out at home but if it is then go see it!!!!
on wed my day off (i ended up working tues morning so not much time off :(lol ) i decided to start my hiking regime i.e hike up tunnel mountain about 3/4 days a week to increase my fitness! it nearly killed me lol definately unfit! the view from the top though was awesome so different to when i did it in the winter when everything was covered in snow! i didnt take any pics though my camera battery died! felt proud of myself after that hike unfortunately havnt been up since cause we've had nothing but rain and a few thunder storms. hopefully 2morro though i'll do it again!
pretty much everyone from oreo and 4th floor (residential floor of the Y) headed down to the "locals" side of the river and had a bbq and a few beers. it was so warm and sunny. was a good laugh. i somehow managed to whack toby in the face though trying to get the soccer ball and made him bleed...oops! we stayed down by the river till about 10ish then some of us decided to head back and watch a scary movie (wolf creek) we gave our mcd order to scot and left. he was so drunk though and forgot mine and didnt believe me when i said i gave him 5 bucks for a cheeseburger and fries so in his drunken state and my tipsey state we had this huge argument was hilarious!!! now if i ask for something from mcds i get it think i scared him lol no one gets in the way of me and my cheeseburgers luckily dan gave me one of his and there were extra fries otherwise there would have been bloodshed. everyone laughed about i the next day though. i fell asleep half way through the movie and went to bed.
sat erin drove me mark and suze to canmore to go shopping in sobeys a big supermarket they had $1 specials on was so good i got tonnes of stuff reallyy healthy stuff lol but so worth it and it saved me money on groceries. they had live crabs in a tank that u could buy so cool think one was trying to escape!
last night it was matt who i work with in housekeepings last night so we had a bbq out the back of oreo and had a "few" beers. the sky got progressivly darker though and it wasnt long till it started thundering and lightning. felt like home to us brits wot with the clouds and the rain lol smelled like a piece of scotland! ozy matt had made this concoction he brought 2 melons made a hole on them and placed a bottle of vodka in the hole and waited for all the vodka to disperse through the melon. it was so yummy but my god when u got a strong piece it was a killer i blame that for my hangover!!! so yer we went to a few bars and some laughs lol and stumbled home another night out in banff!
the plan for the next few days is movies 2morro, going on a trip to kicking horse in BC on wednesday with suze and kate to see some grizzley bears should be good fun then out for dinner on fri i dont know if i've said but i'm trying to eat at every restaurant in banff before i leave!! quite an ambition lol. i'm keeping the most expensive for my bday lol.
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