Weathers been crap here past few days so my days off have been spent doing nothing! yday after chating to mum and dad at the internet cafe i headed bk to staff accom to find my room looking like a construction site! i had got maintenance to take a look at my sink cause it was backing up. didnt expect to get back to find my sink lying on the floor and a hole in the wall where i shld be! my carpet was wet (not as bad as last time) and girma (maintenance supervisor) had all his tools scattered around my floor! i was unimpressed lol. so to cheer myself up i played monopoly with toby, mark, james and amelie. it was raining outside and ozy james had trashed the tv remote so to entertain ourselves we played monopoly for a few hrs! good fun. i was thrashed though...again! last night was gd though amelie,mark, suze and me headed to the movies to see star trek. it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna see it again! the theatre was heaving and the line up was out the door! after the movie ppl clapped (including me hehe) didnt really fancy being in ma room last nite so stayed up till 1 watching mind numbing tv with some of the guys. i will never understand guys obsession with family guy, the simpsons and american dad!!
so was woken up this morning at the ridiculous time of 9am!!! by girma and the plumber so was kicked out ma room and into the tv room to watch more mind numbing tv so i settled in2 to watching a few hrs worth of wot not to wear (very addictive show). finally got bk into my room long enuf to grab my things for a shower then i escaped here. its trying to rain and its cloudy so getting out and about was out of the question so i'm hiding out here till its safe to go back and fingers crossed back to hole free zone!
eventually got my room returned to me bout 6ish that night. perfect time as well the hockey was just starting and its not really my thing. every now and again is fine but cause its the play off just its on everynight!!! role on the final! decided to rent a couple of movies last night so suze and i went out for a burger and went to the movie store. got bride wars (bit of a disappointment not as funny as i though but still good) and the curious case of benjamin button which is ace if u havnt seen it rent it!! that goes to u to mum and dad u'd love it (dnt let brad pitt put u off its ace!) Had a bit of drama at work yday as well. we got a call over the radio to say 217 had flooded we though u know a wee bit of water by the toilet or shower but no the WHOLE room had flooded there was a gd few cm deep of water and it wasnt jst the washroom it was everywhere felt sorry for the wee old english couple that were staying there lol. luckily it was dwn to maintenance to clear up we shld had the wonderful job of shampooing the carpet afterwards. think the problems linked to wot happened in staff accom i swear the buildings falling apart! Anyways i better head off going to the movies...again lol. this time going to see angels and demons which i'm sorry to say is a must see film!!! chow for now
ps: its may 15th 2day and we had SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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