So not really been up to much again this week. Just work work work. Did go for dinner at the newly opened mcds the other nite and i have to say canadian mcds are a million times better than the yucky stuff back home and their large is HUGE!!!! so yer guys i feel right at home!! saw push at the cinema as well which was pretty gd i recommend it and be proud guys i went there instead of out drinkng for paddys day! trying to save money and wasnt really in the mood for it anyways. I am going to a casino on sat nite for a work mates leaving do. keep ur fingers crossed everyone that i hit the jackpot!!
Went for a walk today on the fenland trail which is a 2km walk jst outside of town. it was such a nice day i just cldnt stay indoors. so i packed a picnic and headed out. think i stumbled on the locals running route i saw so many joggers. dont know how they did it though i nearly fell a million times cause it was so slippery! there was ice everywhere. i think when the snow and ice melts i mite join them. its about a mile prob from my work to the start of the trail then the trail is 2km so a few circuits of that would make a pretty gd route i can see y so many ppl use it. so be warned mum and dad i mite be getting u to send me my running shoes soon!! its been so long since i did some proper exercise gonna be the size of a house when i get back! too many cookies and cheeseburgers. i blame the bistro at work their foods too good! I know i took a lot of pics of the squirrel but he was jst so cute! i named him DJ after mum and dad in honor of it being their birthday hehe.
Still trying to figure out my next move. tied between staying here and moving on so any ideas welcome!! Rite now leaning 2wards staying because the job markets so rubbish but we'll see how long it takes for me to get itchy feet!
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