It snowed again this morning but luckily didnt stay for long the sun came out and chased it away! havnt been up to much lately. went out for dinner on friday night to a fondue restaurant for a friends birthday. i've never been to a place like that before every course is a fondue! for our main meal we had a selection of meats that we cooked ourselves on a hot rock. suze and i decided to be adventurous and tried some alligator and ostrich (where they get that meat in canada i have no idea) it was sooooo yummy and didnt taste at all like chicken lol. went our for drinks afterwards for some friends leaving party which was good fun. drank waaaay too much beer lol.
after work on sunday i decided i'd had enough of being indoors all day so headed up tunnel mountain in the snow. the first half of the hike there was no snow but as soon as u reached a certain point all the trees ha snow on them and it looked so christmassy lol. it started snowing when i hit the top was very refreshing!
am afraid thats all i've really been up to! trying to save money so havnt been going out as much. its only about 2wks till i leave now so i promise my blogs will start getting exciting again lol!
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