Buenas - today was all about logistics - getting people and equipment to the start line. Up at 5.30am in our Barcelona hotel, walk 2 k to The Metro, 15 Miin, thru a minefield of underground passages to train station, onto Pamplona train Andén cuatro (Platform 4), 3hrs later (The pic of us attached is on The train was very good, smooth). Then out on The streets of Pamplona (lost again) - Spanish taking a beating now - "where is The bus station?" Jeff speaking En español to The lady standing at some random bus stop and then The machine gun español avalanche coming back the other way - ouch! Eventually found the Pamplona bus station (underground!! - that was the trick that took a while to get on top of) and 2 hrs later bus over The Pyrenees and The French border to St Jean Pied de Port = The "official" Camino start for us. Got our Pilgrim Credencial, found our 1st refugio to stay in, €10 pp for B&B, went to church and got the Pilgrim's blessing and lit a candle, lost my credit cards, called ANZ Bank and canceled the cards. Then off to bed with all The snorers and the "you know what elsers". And then finally, At last - sleep. Gracias a Dios otra vez. Hasta prontito
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