So I have currently been up for about 24 hours straight. I'm over-tired after getting excited about seeing everyone and showing Kristina all my stuff!! I won't let anyone else see as some are Christmas/birthday presents... This is the last time I'll see Kristina for a while so it's quite upsetting!!
We woke up at 5am this morning, a silly time to get up. But we had to be at the airport early - take off at 8.45. Here's a tip for those of you getting early flights from Kathmandu airport - the airport doesn't open until "6am" (6.30 or 7!!). We stood outside in the freezing cold (which is nothing compared to the cold I felt coming out of the airport in England!!) for a while, then we finally got through. I got through first as the women's queue went quicker (yeahhhh) - same as in Delhi in the transfer. We didn't have to wait around much, only less than a half hour, then boarded the plane to take us to Delhi. It took about an hour and a half, and we got food on the way yay!! In Delhi we had no spare time to do anything apart from go to the toilet, as it took SO long to get through the security checks and passport control!! Thankfully we didn't have to get our suitcases through as well!! They went through automatically :)
We waited another 15 or 20 minutes for the plane to take off to London due to air traffic, but when we finally took off, the journey was about 8 and a half hours, and I managed to watch 3 films, 1 tv episode, eat lots of yummy aeroplane food, GO TO THE TOILET (yes I actually did it again!!), played some games, but didn't get any sleep. Liam managed to curl up next to the window and sleep for a while, which is good considering he hardly had any leg room!!
When we landed, it took a while to get through passport control, then waited agessssss for our bags to come through!! Liam's dad picked us both up in his van which was very nice of him!! I slept a bit on the way home, then woke up just as we were approaching Marshfield. Liam helped with my bags and said hi to my family (my mum cried... Not surprised!!), then Liam went off back home to sleep. He's working tomorrow!! Poor guy!!
I sat down at the table and chatted to family and Kristina whilst eating chocolate cake and drinking tea :) me and Kristina then went upstairs and I unpacked everything onto the floor and sorted out presents etc.
This will be my final blog post for Nepal!! I will upload the photos I've taken to both Facebook and on here, so everyone can see!! Goodnight, and see you next time!!
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