5th November. In England, it's my favourite night of all the year!! Or at least, around that time, when the fireworks are on.. Better than the nights of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years (although that's my second favourite!!), birthday, birthday eve etc etc... Bonfire night is the best night ever. Even though it's so so cold, and I have to wear about 90 layers, top and bottom, I LOVE watching the fireworks, huddling round a bonfire, eating marshmallows and other yummy foods. Another reason why in so upset about missing this night, is that I don't get to share it with my boyfriend, Liam. I think fireworks night is a night not only for family, but for couples. There's nothing better than snuggling up to your other half on a cold night, watching the most amazing display of lights that is, fireworks. But oh well, hopefully there will be more nights to enjoy that feeling!!
But today in Nepal, it's Bhai Tikka day - Brother's day. So most people fast, but me and a few others who can't afford not to eat had rice this morning, then went upstairs to prepare for the little ceremony this afternoon. Some girls were making Malas (those beautiful marigold necklace things), and some were putting together plates of food. Oh and the boys were making the most of their day. By being extremely cheeky!!
When it got to about 2pm, Michael, Rob, and Rosie turned up, and the ceremony began. The younger boys, 5 of them, sat on a bench, and Sarmila didi (one of the staff) put tikka on them, just like mine in the photo. She then gave each of them a mala and a plate of food with things like noodles, chewing gum, nuts, and sweets on. Then it was the older boys (ages over 19) turn. There were 4 of them, and this time the girls (the ones between 13 and 16) put tikka on them, gave them Malas and food. In return, the boys gave the girls some money. The younger boys didn't do this, as they didn't have any money to give... Then everyone went round giving everyone tikka - including me. I was given tikka by Bimula (one of the older girls, I think the oldest. She's I think 15), and Puskar (one of the older boys, I think about 21), and Bimula gave me a bag of biscuits, and Puskar gave me the most beautiful painting!! It's of Fishtail - the mountain I grew up seeing every day. He's a very talented artist - Muna says "the next artist of Nepal".
The celebrations died down at around 4, and we just sat around chatting for a while. The rest of the white people left (Michael, Rob, Rosie) at about 5, and I went upstairs to look through my photos of the day. You'll all get to see the photos, when I get back to England I'll upload all photos to this blog, so you can all see!! We then had rice (my third rice of the day!!) at about 6.30, then I escaped upstairs for the night!! Earlier night for me tonight I think, had so many late ones!!
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