Happiness Is The Road
It was great to wake up in Perth this morning. It had been a very cold night, down to about five degrees, but after brekky it started to warm up. There was a brilliant blue sky and I decided that we should go to the beach. We were only 4 kilometres from the ocean so it didn't take long to drive there. We parked up at North Beach and went for a walk along the sea front in the direction of Scarborough. As it was Sunday it was fairly busy. The temperature was getting warmer now and it was a really gorgeous day. We walked along through North Beach and Trigg until we came to the beautiful white sand beach that leads down to Scarborough. White sand trailed off down the coast as far as the eye could see. The sea was a gorgeous blue and very clear. Perth is truly blessed with fantastic beaches. It has the best suburban beaches of all cities in Australia. We went for a paddle and the water wasn't as cold as we thought it would be. It is winter but there were still people in the sea surfing and swimming. As is usual on Perth's beaches the surf was up and good. There were some really funny and cute birds on the beach. One in particular was quite a show off and loved having his picture taken. I think he was a Pied Cormorant. We sat on the beach for a while and then wandered back to the camper van. We then drove up the coast to Hillarys Boat Harbour at Sorrento Beach. It is a marina where there are shops and restaurants. There was a big sign post here showing the direction and distances to other cities. It showed London as being 15,680 kilometres away. I can't quite believe that I have driven more than twice this distance in the last nine months circumnavigating this country. We had a mooch around and had a look at the shops and the boats. There is a lot of money in Perth these days, mainly due to the mining boom, and the boats seemed to reflect this. It was all far too pretentious for us. We had some lunch in the camper and then we went to find a branch of Dan Murphys where we could stock up on beer and cheap wine. This done we headed back to the caravan park. We watched the beautiful colourful parrots in the trees and the ducks waddling about and settled down to what was an extremely cold night. It was Perthfect to be back in Perth!
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