Happiness Is The Road
It was brilliant at Lucky Bay. I woke up and had breakfast to a wonderful view. I left the camp ground at about 9 and just drove a short way to Le Grand Beach to catch up with the blogs and to have my last look at the Southern Ocean for a few days. Today I headed inland to Norseman. The plan is to then carry on up to Kalgoorlie-Boulder before coming back down and following the Eyre Highway across the Nullarbor Plain. After leaving the ocean I headed back to Esperance to get some food and beer from Woolworths. I got a case of VB(Victoria Bitter). It's far cheaper to do this than buying 6 packs all the time. I like the way that in the bottle shops over here there is a walk in refrigerated room where all the cases of beer are stacked. You just go in an help yourself. Of all the Australian beer VB is my favourite and I still think the best selling beer over here. I had been told that there had been a lot of controversy recently as Carlton United Breweries decided to change the VB recipe and reduce the alcohol content from 4.9 to 4.6. They also rebranded it as just VB and not Victoria Bitter. The result was that sales massively plummeted as the Aussies didn't like the rebranding or the new flavour. So recently it has been relaunched back as Victoria Bitter and at a strength of 4.9. When will these big companies realise that they shouldn't mess with winning formulas! I left Esperance and it took just over two hours to reach Norseman. It was hot here, about 32 degrees, and a clear blue sky. It had been cloudy and threatening rain when I left Esperance but the further I got from Esperance the more the cloud cleared and the hotter it got. Too be honest I didn't do much with the rest of the day other than relax, read and eat. Nitey nite.
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