Happiness Is The Road
The weather looked a bit better when I woke up this morning. The sky didn’t threaten rain for the first time in a few days. I’ll be happy to get back to the coast and that’s where I’m heading, to a little place called Windy Harbour in the D’entrecasteaux National Park. On the way there I stopped off at The Cascades another lovely little waterfall area. I was the only one in the car park and had a great walk around the trail without seeing anyone. There was lots of wildlife poo on the ground though and I was wondering what had excreted it, as you do. I thought it might be the Posssums. There were information plaques on the trail and they answered my question. It was probably the possums or the Quendas (Southern Brown Bandicoots) who all live and frolic in this area. After here I went to have a look at another vertigo inducing tree. This was is the Dave Evans Bicentennial Tree and is even taller than the Gloucester Tree and a nerve racking metres ( foot) . I just had a look up at it and tried not to think about climbing it as even the thought of it made me feel dizzy and sick. I needed to get away from these scary trees so headed to the coast. I was missing the ocean. It took about an hour to drive to Windy Harbour and again I hardly saw any other traffic. The route took me from Pemberton to Northcliffe and then down a smaller road to Windy Harbour through the Point D’entrecasteaux National Park. The scenery on the way there was simply stunning, breathtaking. I just can’t get over how awe inspiring this country is. The road winds it’s way through a bit of forest but mainly through the most beautiful bush, that stretches as far as the eye can see. I had to avoid driving over a lizard and also at one point a snake. This was the first snake I have seen and it was slithering right across the road. Eventually I caught glimpses of the ocean again and knew I was nearly there. The National Park have created a scenic drive which I followed first of all to Salmon Beach. I had this place all to myself, there wasn’t a single soul about. A wonderful spot to be to dream and contemplate life. Next it was a short hop in the camper to the Tookalup lookout. From here I followed the coastal path to Point D’entrecasteaux and back stopping at the most amazing viewpoints. This National Park is majestic. Next up I drove through the tiny settlement of Windy Harbour to find the camp ground. This is a lovely quiet place full of loads of wooden shacks, some really cute with lots of character. The camp ground reception was shut when I got there, but no worries, the sign on the door said to find a place and report back at 5 when they were open. Whilst I was reading this the camp ground caretaker said g’day and told me the best place to go as due to all the rain they’ve had here a lot of the site was waterlogged and I didn’t want to get stuck! Got a lovely spot on the edge of the camp ground with my own fire pit and a view of the bush. It’s also almost on the beach so you can hear the surf crashing. I went to have a look round at the facilities and on the way back I said hello to my neighbours, a very talkative retired couple from Perth, Neil and Doreen. They had already been here for 4 weeks and just loved to get away from the city. He did a lot of fishing and they just enjoyed the peacefulness of the place. I just caught up on my blogs and then went for a walk along the beach. The weather here today by the way has been lovely, probably about 22 degrees and perfect for walking. As is quite usual now I had the beach to myself and it was great to walk on the sand and up and over all the rocks. On the path on the way back I spotted a kangaroo who skipped off as I got close. As I was getting near the settlement I bumped into a really lovely old guy and talked to him all the way back. He was from Perth also and came here to get away from the big city. He had been here for a few weeks also and was living in a Toyota camper van similar to mine. He was deaf in one ear and blind in one eye but it didn’t bother him and he seemed really happy with life. I can understand why, being in a beautiful place like this, amongst nature and away from it all. We talked amongst other things about how Perth has changed in the 14 years since I was last there. Because the population has increased so dramatically Perth now has a rush hour and traffic jams and people are in more of a hurry and more stressed. 14 years ago there were no traffic jams and the place seemed a bit more chilled. I still love love love Perth though, it’s my favourite city in the world. Just chilled for a bit and then at 5ish I went to check in and got my key to the shower room. At $12 a night this place is really good value and much better than the camp sitesd charging a lot more. I then got my firewood from the free pile and sat about getting the fire ready for later. At about 6 I struck the match and got the fire under way. I was just sat back chillin with a beer (Rogers beer by the way) poking my fire when three kangaroos hopped past right infront of me and proceeded to chew the grass at the edge of the camp. What a fantastic sight. I was just so loving this place. It gets dark here about 7 so by then my fire was going nicely . It’s just wonderfully relaxing to sit and watch the flames burn and flicker on a fire and hear the wood snap and crackle. This is just so much better than watching TV. Give me a real fire any time!. There’s a metal tray with the fire pit that you can turn and place over the fire so when the fire had died down a bit and the charcoals were glowing nicely I put my sausages on the tray and cooked them over the fire. Comfy chair, beer, kangaroos, sausages cooking on an open fire, BLISS! It just couldn’t get any better could it. Well It did because I then looked up and saw the night sky. All the clouds had cleared and the sky was simply well WOW , I can’t think of a good enough word to describe how incredible it looked. It’s one of the best night sky’s I’ve ever seen. There are just so many stars, absolutely thousands of them some brighter than others and all of them with their own planets. Looking up at this awesome star display makes you really think. It makes you think about how incredible life is and how amazing the universe is. If all this has been created then anything is possible. There is absolutely nothing that you could say is impossible. Anything no matter how far fetched it may sound. In fact reality is often far more incredible than fiction. This view of the universe made me reflect upon my life and how lucky I am to be living my dream on the road in Australia. It also makes me realise more and more that I am better off out of the rat race. People just seem to get so caught up in it and trapped in it. People get so caught up in work and the stress of life that they seem to forget that we are all spiritual beings on a journey together. I need to do now what makes me happy and not what people expect me to do or conform to. I don't care what anyone thinks as long as I I'm happy and I don't cause harm to anyone. The new path I'm on in life is so right for me. Later on I took some more photos out into the dark and got the most amazing orb pictures again. There were almost as many orbs here as stars. This has been a truly amazing day, in fact the best day of the trip so far. I truly am a Lucky man.
PS: Song of the day is Giverny by Chris Rea - The lyrics felt so right today.
PPS: Fact for the day - For very grain of sand on planet earth there are a billion stars in the universe. That makes us seem very small. The possibilities are endless and there has just got to be more intelligent life out there somewhere. Oh and this doesn’t even take into account all the parallel dimensions that their are in this space we currently reside in. It’s all simply mindblowing!!!!
PS: Song of the day is Giverny by Chris Rea - The lyrics felt so right today.
PPS: Fact for the day - For very grain of sand on planet earth there are a billion stars in the universe. That makes us seem very small. The possibilities are endless and there has just got to be more intelligent life out there somewhere. Oh and this doesn’t even take into account all the parallel dimensions that their are in this space we currently reside in. It’s all simply mindblowing!!!!
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