Happiness Is The Road
It had been a wet and windy night and there were still a few showers about when we got up. Whilst we were having brekky we were visited by the seagulls and a really friendly duck who proceeded to take a **** right in front of us. How lovely. Particularly in view of the ******* sheep we had witnessed a couple of days ago we felt most insulted!! We left the caravan park between showers and decided to go to the Water Wheel at Cape Leeuwin again before we left Augusta. As it was very windy we thought that the sea would be very dramatic there. We stopped at a lookout on the way there on the Southern Ocean side of the cape. It was quite sheltered here and the Southern waters were fairly calm. However, we could see the lighthouse in the distance and the waters of the Indian Ocean over there were absolutely raging. We could see a line in the ocean where the calm Southern met the angry Indian. The scene before us when we got to the Water Wheel was wild and completely awesome. The wind was heavy and blustery and was blowing the waves in with incredible force causing them to come crashing down onto the rocks by the shore sending a spray of salty water inland. We got out of the camper van to get a better look and immediately got blasted with salt water. The wind was gusting fiercely around us and we had to try hard to stay on our feet. It was blowing wildly through our curly locks and we got some great photos. We had loads of fun here. Soaked in sea water we got back in the camper van and hit the road out of Augusta again. We had really enjoyed it here and were glad that we had come back. We drove to Margaret River where we went to Woolworths to stock up on food. We then had to decide where to go and stay tonight. Although the showers had now stopped and some blue sky was peeking through the forecast was for more rain later. We had intended to go to Conto Campground in the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park and have a fire but in view of the forecast we thought we'd be better off doing this tomorrow when the weather was supposed to be less inclement. We settled on going to Gracetown about 10 kilometres away and see what it was like there. We drove back to the coast and the sea was just as angry and wild as it had been at Cape Leeuwin. We parked up and watched the sea pounding ashore and the mad kite surfers who were zooming about through the huge cresting waves. After this we went to find Gracetown Caravan Park which was a few kilometres inland from the ocean. We had chosen to come here because their advert boasted that it was in a natural, peaceful, bushland setting with kangaroos jumping by and possums delighting you by night. This sounded wonderful. We checked in and got a spot that was indeed in bushland but it was a bit creepy. As for the wildlife not one single kangaroo jumped by and not one single possum came by to delight us. There was absolutely no evidence of roo poo anywhere which made us suspicious of the caravan park's claims. Just as well really as Kangapoo Raker wasn't here to flick it away! Perhaps the wildlife were creeped out by this place too. We didn't even hear any birds. They had however promised peace and true to their word we had a lovely peaceful night. The only sound we heard was the rain tinkling down on the roof. We had done the right thing by not going to Conto Campground tonight.
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