"Why have they another entry in Kununurra?" I hear you ask. Well it's an interesting story and it goes like this.
We took our time packing up the camp to take advantage of the wireless internet available at the caravan park. We stopped in town for money, milk and petrol before hitting the road. The first 52kms were very pleasurable along the highway to the turn off to the Gibb River Road. Here we pulled up to reduce the pressure in our tyres and then we were on the way again. We hadn't planned to go far today - about 66km down the dirt of the Gibb River Road.
About 10kms along the sharp, rocky Gibb River Road we heard a loud bang! What could this be? We pulled over and hopped out of the car to discover a very flat rear tyre on the car. Bloody hell!! Our first flat/puncture on the trip.
In the heat of the day we managed to remove the tyre and put on the spare. Knowing we still had 570km of the dirt Gibb River Road to go we decided it would be best to head back to Kununurra to fix/replace the tyre.
Arriving back in Kununurra, a visit to Tyrepower identified the tyre was completely f*#ked. The salesman offered some good advice, which we accepted and we now have two new BFGs on the rear of the car with two old Coopers on the front and a much thinner wallet.
The Gibb River Road is the end of the road for many a tyre. One customer at Tyrepower had seven punctures on the road. I hope for his sake they all did not require replacement!
We re-checked into the caravan park that we had left only hours previously and that is where we are now updating our website.
Hopefully attempt two at the Gibb fares much better than attempt one.
Again, you'll most likely hear from us next in Broome.
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